Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Many Shots...too Little Space.


Painted lady butterfly that spent some time in the flowers was very cooperatiive.  It really was not scared of me and fluttered all around me. 


 Yesterday afternoon two swallowtails discovered my phlox. I could see them from the house as they really were active flying all over the blooms. They were so jittery as they didn't have solid flowers to land on and they moved from one to another quickly with a lot of fluttering of their wings.

I am surprised that certain flowers even have nectar but the marigolds have lots of bumble bees this summer.  I have not seen any honey bees so far. 

It was a pleasant day today with cooler temps and some wind.  I didn't work so hard today resting up from the things that I did yesterday.  The yard needs to be mowed and maybe I can start that tomorrow. I have more views of butterflies than I can post.  I did have one more show of last nights sunset. 

Happy trails to you until we meet again.  Thanks for stopping by.....


  1. What a beautiful sunset, how gorgeous.

    All the insects are in a big buggy hurry to eat right now. I imagine they need to get things stored away for winter!

    Those butterflies are hard to capture, you did a great job!
