Thursday, August 17, 2023

The Things.....

 The jet stream was a long one. The jet itself was way north of me and I could photograph it. There was one more jet out there leaving a trail.

The seasons are changing as the leaves of my morning glories are all turning yellow green. I can't believe the light change caused it so quickly but it has.  It has been watered almost every other day and they are doing their best for me.

Before I start mowing I move these two so I don't have to stop the mower.  They look like they like the stairs and I do look twice when I see them there.

I have five tomato plants but most of them have stopped producing.  This one is my yellow variety and we will keep getting some tomatoes from it.  The roma is done as well as the other two which are my normally chosen varieties. The drought is somewhat the problem and me not watering them often enough to keep them blooming.

Our neighbors to the north have seen a fox wandering around in our yards during the daytime.  I have not seen it but they describe it as a very young fox and have seen it come from across the street.  I have picked up a rabbit  that has been mostly eaten in my yard.  The neighbor guy says he also has picked up rabbit remains.

I mowed almost all of my yard today.  The grass was tall and green and it looks good.  I did run out of steam so left a section to finish tomorrow.  The cool strong winds do make it pleasant to be outside. I have lots of bushes to trim and weeds yet to pull but that can wait for another day. 

See you tomorrow.


  1. Yes, getting to the end of the season now, yet flowers are still putting out new buds.
    Our county fair starts tonight the largest in the state of Tennessee, weather has cooled, perfect fair weather.
    That is one long smoke trail !

  2. That Zinnia id a very cool color! Give the morning glory some fertilizer and the new leaves may be a better green:) Lots of the brush in the woods is yellow up here from the drought:(

  3. Feral cats also catch rabbits and leave parts laying around. We used to have a den of foxes and they were pretty fun to watch.

    My morning glories are doing well and I haven't done much to them, but the dirt they have are from old stall cleanings so the soil must be better?

    My yellow tomatoes are still going nuts. I have to freeze all the extras.
    Hope things go better for you!
