Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Meandering....with Things.


My angel fish are happy.  I know one can't tell that but I can see they like all the new space.  They had been moved to a tank half the size so I could clean things.  I never moved them back to the 20 gallon for about a month. When I checked on them they were in a big open space and just floating there comfortably.  The have small side fins that flap to move themselves around and the were just treading water.


 The bully maybe will nibble less on his partner. The tail of the whiter fish has been eaten a little. I have guppies in there with them to keep things interesting.  There was an unusal thing happened with the big tank after I had cleaned if. After I had washed up the glass tank, and after I had rinsed out the gravel and returned it, and after I had filled it with water there was a baby guppy floating around in the tank.  It must have been mixed in with the rocks and survived all the processes.  The guppies are tough. 

My large sunflower is developing its seeds.  They aren't quite developed yet as the birds haven't started picking at it.

It was hard to get a photo of it as the little flower parts of the seeds are dead now and are starting to fall off. They are dark and not yellow anymore. When they fall off the lighter colored seeds will show.

The flowers are wonderful but it really is acting more like a weed.  I will have to work on thinning them out next season as they did seem to control the tomato patch. 

My new stairs are made of treated wood.  Some call it greenwood as it is chemically treated and some of it is greener in color than others.  The wood is not stored inside but always for sale and pick up out in the yard.  I guess there is a fume that comes off of it. When we had a rain a month ago I did notice the water beaded up on it.  Anyway, this morning I devoted time to put Thompson Waterseal on it and also my deck and other stairs.  I worked through a full can of the waterseal and stopped.  I will finish the stairs to the deck tomorrow morning have three steps yet to do as I finished up the one can.  I will open up my second can to finish that and paint on sealer to all the side parts of the fifteen steps.  I rolled most of it but had to brush smaller areas along the wall.  Exhausted is the code word but it is a good feeling to get that done. 


The fading colors are beautiful too.  We did not get any rain again.  It rained south of us catching up sine if southern Iowa's deficit of moisture.  I don't think rain is in the future for weeks. My yard is shutting down again in parts.  We do look like we are moving into an early fall.  

It is Wednesday and am glad we have more days of the week to work.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I mowed some parts of the yard that had grass, the rest is brown! Your flowers look great!

    The weather service is warning of elevated fire conditions. Today the humidity was 30%. Tomorrow it will drop even more and be windy.
