Thursday, August 31, 2023

Thursday's a Go.....


I use to call it flag iris. Now I think it is really Siberian iris. Either name it will need a haircut in another month. 



The blue moon was out on Tuesday and it was just as perfect last night. A full moon that shines closer to us than it has for quite some time.  It will be 2073 before it gets that close again.

The zinnia is not as perfect as a round moon but it is round in shape for sure. The color scheme is great.

The multiple head sunflower is an interesting one. I haven't counted the number of flowers per head but it is a great plant to watch. 

It was a busy morning for me as I worked inside today.  I had a desk in the basement set up that I really wasn't using down there.  I have been using my wingback chair in the living room to pay some bills and collect business paper.  I decided that the desk needed to be moved upstairs and placed in our spare bedroom. We don't use the spare bedroom ever as we have a bedroom downstairs that company likes to use with their own private guest bath.  Anyway it took a lot of work to figure what should be moved and where to get that desk incorporated into the room  It has a bed, two bed stands and a large antique oak dresser with mirror in a rectangular space.  It is a rectangular room with double windows and a vent along the wall.  Things can't just be placed anywhere. We ended up moving the very heavy oak dresser to another wall, leaving the bed as is and putting the desk into the new space.  


It is funny how you move in to the newer home seven years ago and things just got placed quickly.  The new arrangement lets us see the dresser as we look in and also the bed.  My desk is around the corner from the door and will be sort of of sight.  Gosh that dresser was so heavy with its mirror attached.  I took all four drawers out of ahead of time but is still was a bear. Moving pictures on the wall will be a lot easier.

I hope we both are not  too sore tomorrow from moving things around.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. What pretty sunflowers! Yes moving furniture is the pits, it was easier when I was younger! Stay cool I hear it is going to be real hot! :)
