Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Wednesday's Mentions....

 The morning is starting out at 83° F.  and we are suppose to hit 101° F. by the afternoon. The sky is showing very few clouds. 

I need to keep water in the birdbath.  I can easily capture shots of birds through my windows but the shot of the dove with me being outside gave me such a better quality photo.  A steamy camera I learned is not a good thing so I will not be going outside in this heat and steam with my camera. 



I now have cleaned my third aquarium.  It is full of water and waiting for the heater to warm it up for the guppies. This is yesterday's tank and the female betta and two female guppies are enjoying the clean water. After cleaning the tanks I realize that I have been over feeding them. It is hard to know how much is needed but I will work on feeding them less.

When I do feed the fish food will fall to the bottom and they fish can spend time digging it out in the rocks. The females are getting big ready to drop some more babies. 

I went out after supper and picked the ripest tomatoes.  I figure they will like being cooled off some and we can eat them as time goes by.  I also picked new bouquets of zinnias. Sadly this 100°F. and above is taking its toll on all of them.  I pours all of the old aquarium water onto the zinnias but I don't think that is going to help.  Maybe after the heat spell from hell the buds might bloom some more afterwards.  Today I couldn't pick a bouquet as they blooms are all faded and dried. 

Today is suppose to be our hottest day but cooling off to 99° F. is not much improvement.  I see 80s are coming in about three days.  School started today in most of Iowa and the smaller schools don't have air conditoning so they will let them out by noon.  I am done at noon also.  

Thanks for checking in today.

1 comment:

  1. When you Zinnias are all dried up, they might be ready to pick for seeds if you take the heads off. I save my seeds each year and replant them. :)

    I need to go out and get more bouquets of zinnias after this heat. My poor nasturtiums must not enjoy the heat too much.

    Stay cool. I think our local schools do have air, but I am not sure.
