Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tuning in on Tuesday.....

 The start of a hotter day looks like this.  The humidity is high and the sky looks glazed. We really didn't cool down so much so we got a head start for the hot temps. 

A hazy shot of the flower box.  I had bought the planter, big bucks, to bury in the ground to make a mini pond for goldfish.  When the raccoons came and ate all of my fish from a larger round above ground pot I decided I could not do the plan.  The planter sat empty for a while and then I though dump some dirt into  it and grab some zinnias  while thinning out the zinnia bed.  The bonus for this afterthought is that the humming birds like the flowers and we can see them directly out of our living room window. 

I don't think the butterflies mind the heat but there fewer of them than user as we move through our drought.  I mostly have painted ladies butterflies this year.  We are at 91° F right now at noon.   We are headed to 97° F. or higher.  I went for needle points this morning for my insulin pen.  I went early to keep out of the heat but it still was hot.  I bought lots of grociers of things we were out of and I got a pizza for supper tonight. I have one more aquarium cleaned now and will be transferring fish this afternoon.  It nice to get some jobs done that don't require me being outside.  I did watered tomatotes early this morning but then came inside.

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Sounds like you have a good plan for the heat. I know I made a huge cold pasta salad yesterday and will have leftovers and sandwiches to eat. I do not feel like cooking in this hot stuff!

    Nice move on the transplant of the zinnias!
