Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A Calm Wednesday.....


The reblooming iris actually had five buds on it.  The stem lay on the ground so I clipped and brought it inside.  It was one of the firsr iris to bllom and now it has its second season of blooms.  I hope it does it every year.  The iris did get the benefit of being watered during our drought as I was watering a burning bush that grows near the same location.  

I spent time outside again today clearing some of my flower gardens.  I had the plastic geece glaring at me while the sunflower  was my sunshine.

The tomato plants have now been removed and some of the zinnias are now gone. I cleared a couple of more peony bushes at another location and pulled grass out of some of the iris.

I had a full wheel barrow again from my clearing. I see I also cut off some large stems from the William Baffin rose that stuck out in my way as I mowed. I have to stuff this all into a recycle paper bag and I usually wait a couple of days for it to wilt down.


I was going to trim the lily stems down but I thought the color could hang around for a while longer. 

I will finish with a colorful set of blooms.  I have decided that I am not going to harvest seed from the tall marigolds.  I did plant them from the saved seeds but I don't like how they take over the whole flower garden  There was some near the tomato vines and they also hindered the growth of tomatoes. I will buy small marigold starts next year. 

It is the middle of the week and we are having great weather today and it will be good the rest of the week.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. My reseeded tall marigolds didn't do so well, except for one plant which is really going well now.

    That purple morning glory looks fantastic with those yellow blossoms!

  2. What a gorgeous Iris, our State flower
    Your Morning Glories have flourished this year.
    Thank you for sharing.
