Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Cool and Mild....

 One out of three Knock Out roses is blooming.  The other tow get watered the same amount but this one is doing the best. 

This late blooming sunflower shows the drought has been hard on it.  It looks weathered but I bet it will still put out seeds.

The marigolds are fading too but some morning glories are stay strong.  I am still clearing parts of my garden as the season continues. 

It is fall when the sedum starts to put out the small pink blooms all over the head of its growth. 

I finally transferred my root bound orchids to new larger containers. They don't look great but orchids look that way for a long time and then they shoot up stems of wonderful blooms. 

We have had cool weather for most of the day.  I worked outside with my long sleeved flannel shirt with holes in the sleeves. I will be clearing things or weeks but it is easier for me to take a few steps at a time. Our half inch of rain made our grass have a tint of green instead of sandy brown.  

Thanks for stopping by this Tuesday.


  1. Your roses are sure putting on a show even with the hot and dry conditions this summer.
