Friday, September 15, 2023

Fall, here it is.....


Two variety of sedum grow side by side.  Some seasons I couldn't tell the difference but this year one can see the two kinds.  You can see the withered leaves of the hosta from our drought.  I have deliberately watered the sedum even though they aren't the kind of plant that normally needs it in the fall. 



The coneflowers are ready to be cut down.  Sometimes I leave them for the snow season because they look good in the winter. 


I can't keep from taking photos of the blues. I didn't have to water them today as we actually got a very small rainfall this afternoon. My red morningglories are not blooming anymore. 



I was busy pulling unwanted water grass.  I was planting in the area some moved wildflowers.  I was checking on the whole area when I looked down at the white splash.  Another stem to the reblooming iris was developed and it had three buds on it.  It is an amazing task that they figured out how to get iris to bloom in two different seasons.  We had a rain this afternoon and I had not picked the second stem  I hope the iris isn't damaged from the moisture. I will pick the second one now and it can go into my milk jar to replace this one which probably will be gone in the morning.

Worked in the yard and am clearing more things.  It is dry but it at least is not hot.  I needed a flannel shirt again this morning and it is a good thing.  Thanks for checking in today.

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