Saturday, September 16, 2023

Stuff on Saturday....

 Only one bloom of the red morning glory is out this morning.  The vines are almost all gone for fall.  I did see one lonely blue one on the trellis today but I did see more buds on that vine.

I worked on one chore of replanting an indoor plant into a larger pot.  The larger pot was from a failed attempt to grow a palm plant.  This fits into it perfectly but gives me a very heavy pot with plants to carry up to the main floor.

I get things messed up with loose dirt so I lugged the pot around the patio area and up the stairs. I took a garden hose to everything.  Later when it had all dried off I took the now heavier pot up to the living room.  Some people call the taller plant a snake plant.  It is also called a mother-in-law-tongue. Sansevieria is the true identity.  I had some shorter variety of it to plant in the front of the taller one. I was given the dwarf variety many years ago and I keep dividing in and now have many ports of it. 

The pot that I removed the tall one from is now filled with less impressive dwarf snake plant.  I could see buying a young tall variety to put in to this one.  

Here is the evidence of the second stalk of iris that was blooming the last couple of days.  It is the reblooming variety that actually rebloomed this year. I have had it a couple of years and this is the first tim that it did its second bloom.  I took the blooms to a light box and took lots of photos that  I will share some other time. 

It was great to get a little bit more rain. It was hardly a tenth of an inch but we need all we can get.  The water sealer works well as the water now stands on the deck and has to evaporate off of the surface.  When you put the sealer on you wonder how it will even work but it does.

We are headed out to our favorite Chinese place for supper.  The food is always great the the service is superb.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hope you had a great supper!

    We got almost a tenth of an inch of rain today also with very dense fog for most of the day. Any moisture helps.

    Your plants look great!

  2. Very pretty Morning Glory bloom! Neither of us like Chinese food...but I hope you had a great meal!
