Friday, September 22, 2023

Friday's Finds....


The hibiscus has put out three buds in the fall. They will be gone soon but it was nice to seem some of them again. I also have a coneflower that is budding and you will see evidence soon. It has been a strange summer.

The weed growing alongside of the hibiscus has some great flowers.  It has now been removed and put in the recycle bin. 


Growing in the drought means one is lucking to get one single bloom on the hardy geranium.  The plant was in such decline that I had not remembered that it was there. 

We are not use to rainy weather.  It looks sunless but we really aren't getting any measurable rainfall from it. 

I worked part of the  time this morning putting down one bag of mulch and scattering dirt on my clay filled lawn.  When the lawn has predominately sections of clay I buy topsoil and scattered thin layers of it each year in the worse parts of the yard.  It seems to be a slow day and I am not doing much of value.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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