Saturday, September 23, 2023

Rainy Day.....

 I try to plant tulips in the fall every year.  I missed out last year as I was dealing with covid health.  This year I picked up a set of 14 bulbs while buying plumbing parts.  I try to just grab something each year as I never regret adding them to the garden.  Planting now isn't so fun but I have learned it is all worth while. 

This cone flower is going to bloom again.  I guess I was watering the area a lot to keep some newly planted hostas growing in dry weather.  The watering revived it and it has rooted in better and I have a mature cone flower plant. 

I have seen videos of guppies giving live birth.  I noticed this morning this one is hovering next to the log. I didn't have the time to wait and watch it happen but she has already kput out four or five new ones the past week. 

I have been under the weather with something like a sinus infection.  I lost my hearing in one ear and that has improved a little today.  It makes me completely off balanced.  I worked on my knees with a tulip bulb tool to plant the tulips.  You can't fall down so far when you work on your knees.  I am just going to take the rest of the day off.  It is suppose to be raining off and on all day. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We don't plant tulips because squirrels always deeat them!

  2. Hope you are feeling better, ear problems are hard on us older folks:)
