Saturday, September 2, 2023

Hot Heat, Humidity, and a Great Sunny Day.....


I have two rosebushes that put out blooms of different colors. The buds may be different color and they all seem to eventually fade out to the same color of pale white.



Same bush with a total different kind of colors. This is a smaller bloom and yet when you zoom it one sees a normal sized rose.

A rose of a different color on the same bush.  I bought the two bushes at different times and little did I know that they were the same kind.  I guess I should save the labels.

The drought and high temps are starting to really mess with all my flowers.  I do dump water on the roses often as I want to keep them bloom.  I dug out the garden hose this morning and watered the knock out roses and also the variegated dogwood bush. 

I set up my desk into the main floor guest bedroom. After that I decided I needed a furniture piece to sit at one end of it to hold the necessary items one keeps with the desk.  The desk is a modern glass and metal one that I got at a garage sale. It doesn't fit with the antique dress but things seem to be working out. Instead of buying a piece off of the net I just decided to look at my surplus wood supply. I have shelves from our old house and wood pieces that I pick up just for the sake of building spontaneous things. I designed it as I built it.

There are store made bed stands in the room and they are painted with a white paint finish.  I will do the same so it will match them.  I don't think you can see it but the flat shelves are painted pine shelves which means it will be good just to paint it all.  I have an old formica covered shelf that is the top piece so it will be a smooth finished top.  More to come as I keep working on this. I put it together with finishing nails but I need to buy a larger size of nail and reinforce all of the connections to make it stronger.  

Neighbors are all outside today watching their college football games while sitting by their pools. I really don't know how they can tolerate being out there as it is 94° F and very uncomfortable.  I worked outside in the morning in the heat and it wasn't easy to be in that temp and humidity.  We went out for pancakes this morning and were glad to get home.  We have no plans for the three day weekend and will just do what we do regardless of it being a holiday for some.  Thanks for stopping by today.

Between sore jointed old fingers and being a space cadet, my spelling has become full of errors.  I promise to proof things as much as I can.  I do correct some of it a day or two later. Spelling errors can make things more interesting as you have to figure out what word that I meant to use.


  1. I wish I could learn how to build things from you! You do amazing work!

    Your roses are fantastic!
    Last night the breezes were perfect and the humidity was low so I sat out on the porch and watched the moon come up.

    Today we are in a Red Flag Warning for fires!

    Stay cool today!

  2. The speckeled rose is quite different but they are all pretty! My fingers don't spell very good anymore either!
