Sunday, September 3, 2023

Afternoon Sharing......

 Various car shows are happening this weekend and mine is being held in my toy cupboard. I use to collect these and received one a year for sure around Christmas time from my wife.  I also picked up cars in Kansas City at a special car store in a maul near the Hallmark Card Company.  The collection stopped when there were just too many.  We stopped going to Kansas City and local stores were not carrying them. 

Antique cars and trucks are showing on the shelf below as well as a tractor with wagon.  My grandkids have no connection to the farms of the past. I grew up on a farm and they don't have a clue where that was located or when it was. 

I recently was messing with some rocks that I had outside and remembered this one  from the past.  It had been given to me and I used it in a flower pot arrangement, standing it on end, along with cactus plants. I don't know how it got placed with my outdoor rock collection.

Most of these rocks were moved here in a sack and they were from Minnesota trips to the north shore.  That rock got mixed in with them and was out with the silly rocks in a row.

The discovered mystery of the rock that I had with the cactus is that is has a flat end.  It reminds me of stones that Native Americans used to grind corn with on another flat stone tray.  It would fit the hand well as one was to grind grain.  When I searched the internet I find lots of things that are storne that people declare are authentic but I doubt that they are.  As the mystery of it and where I found it I will probably never figure out but I am going to put it back into the pot with the cactus.  I think it looks like a small replica of a Stonehenge rock.  People on the net are trying to sell things like this for very big bucks.  

It is 96° F. this afternoon. It makes my ac run continually. We are going to venture out into it this afternoon to eat at a Mexican Cafe as part of our holiday celebration.  Actually we like to find excused to go out and it is fun when we live so close to the different places.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I sure do love rocks! Those are interesting. Most of the rocks from this area are not nicely washed or rounded, they are sharp and odd. But we live in a unglaciated area so the rocks are different.

    I have a collection of rocks around the porch that have fossils in them!
    My grandmother was a rock hound and we used to hike just to look for neat rocks!
    Stay cool.
