Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Middle of the Week....


It is sort of clearing off this morning from the whole day of sporadic rain yesterday.  We will warm up today and the sun is partially shining through clouds.



Another day of clearing the flower garden in the front.  I needed to clean things up to make it look better for visitors. The neighbors to the south of us surprised us with a for sale sign being placed in the front yard.  The have bought a newer home and will be having people in to look at their house and property.  I thought the peony bush row that is adjacent to their driveway should be cleaned and spruced up immediately. The neighbor said that the sale and move has been in the works for a while but they just haven't told anyone.  He sold his  old Camaro and has cleaned out his workshop side of the garage. We will miss their dog Molly. They built the house twenty years ago and the reasons for a change are many.  I think a brand new house seemed like fun to them. They are close to our age and are empty nesters for years.  They don't need four bedrooms anymore.

While picking up plumbing supplies on Monday and had to hit the garden center.  There was not much left to buy but I did find an aster that looked good.  I removed a lot of its growing medium on it so it could be growing in real dirt.  I think they end up failing if you just stick them in the ground. I guess medium is cheaper than dirt so one has to fix things. 

I planted the aster in this front raised bed flower garden. There is another aster already growing there of a different kind and color.  I dug up my canna that never matured and put it into a pot. Maybe I can get it to grow while on the patio this fall.  The soil was damp from the one inch rain that we got yesterday.  

I had a lot of chores to do this morning and I am ready to take the rest of the day off now,  Thanks for stopping by today.




  1. Hope you get some nice neighbors when the house sells:)

  2. Fall Always brings a lot of work in the garden.

  3. Awww, well, sorry your neighbor is moving, but hopefully the new folks will be wonderful.
