Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A Welcomed Rainy Day......

 We are having a rainy day.  It sort of rained in the night but it wasn't very measurable. Today it has rained off and on with heavy downpours.  We need it.

Having such dry weather means the canna never grew and the blanket flower has one flower.  I didn't water so often the past month and so this is what I get.

Dry weather also means the asters are looking puny. I have been watering them and maybe today's rain will help. 

During a break of the rain this morning I did get out to see the garden. The glory is a little damaged but it is a large bloom.

The single petaled knock out rose is putting out some meager blooms.  It will be the last bloom season so I hope it bloom a long time.

You fix the toilet and all looks good but one more thing happens. Back to the hardware to get new tank bolts with good washers, new washers and put it all back together again.  I finished my last work session at seven o"clock when I replaced the bolts so it would be completely leak free.  I have different aches and pains today as working on toilets requires working on the floor and in tight spaces.  All is well now almost 24 hours and it all is going to hold. 

We are headed to a movie tonight.  It is about a road that travels the length of Israel. I don't remember the title but we did travel up the length of the country many times from Cesarea Phillipi to the Dead Sea. It was a trip we will remember forever and it will be nice to see a movie showing the familiar places. It was back in 2019 that we made the journey and we see travel shows on PBS all of the time that reminds of the sights and sounds of Israel.  Our first hotel the first night was close to the Gaza  Strip and the whole place was made of solid concrete.  We didn't experience any bombs from the south fortunately.  It was on the Mediterranean Sea. 

Thanks for checking in today.

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