Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Middle of the Week.....



After a few years I did learn to identify morning glory starts.  They just won't stop once they get established.  I will plow under these after the sunflowers are down.



The glads were disappointing this year in the number of blooms. It doesn't mean that I won't try it again.  I have them dug and am letting the green dry out and let the bulbs soak in any more nutrients that it can get. 

I closed down my outdoor water feature.  It is just a large flower pot that works well except that raccoons love gold fish.  I dumped in some guppies in there later and I netted out about two dozen guppies of all sizes.  The water was getting cold and they seemed to survive it anyway. 

I did get these planted yesterday and I watered them in today.  The pink ones are called salmon.  The red ones remind me of what I call parrot tulips.  It will be fun to see them in the spjring.

I am running slow today for various reasons.  I did get some tings done in spite of the cold weather but I am now in to stay for the rest of the day.  I might be grilling burgers on the deck this afternoon when I will warm up to the lower 70s.  It will be nic when it warms up. Thanks for stopping by today. 

1 comment:

  1. I do love tulips in the spring but for whatever reason, they have not liked my soil. I keep thinking I should keep trying!

    My morning glories are really going crazy right now and so are the Nasturtiums, Geraniums, and Marigolds.

    Your place is beautiful!
