Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Plants and Planting...


It hasn't bloomed well all summer.  Now it has taken a spurt of growth and maybe I will get one good set of blooms from it.  Everything looks healthy so it should make it happen.


 The aster is struggling but there are more blooms.  It did get a light rain on it last nigh to help it a little. 

It is somewhat deformed but it does have great color. The knock outs are closing down for the season. 

I took a second shot of this this morning  and it looks exactly the same.  I guess I will trash one of them. The light rain made it look good.  It is one of just a few blooms on the bush. I will deadhead it but I am certain that it is done for the season. 


 I had to make one last trip to the building center yesterday.  It means I could pick up two more packages of tulips.  I dug up some stepping stones that went to nowhere and will plant them there in that area.  The former owner had apparently four extra slabs of stone and just put them by the garage and headed them around the corner.  Then they stopped to grass.  Digging them out was a challenge and getting them into the wheel barrow was tough but they are now gone and placed down the hill.  I dug under their holes getting into gravel that was placed under the stones.  I dug everything up and poured new commercial soil into the holes.  I did get one bag of 15 tulips planted but I had to quit for lunch.  I will return to get the rest of the second sack of bulbs into the ground.  In the spring I will be so glad that I did the project.

I will be resting for the rest of the day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The yellow/pink rose is a beauty! Sounds like you did enough work for one day! Rest!

  2. One last flush, hopefully.
    Such pretty flowers in your garden Larry.

  3. Those flowers are gorgeous. Mine are still going pretty strong and I am busy collecting seeds.

    Those roses! Just wow!
