Monday, September 18, 2023

Old Things.....

 An antique piece holds the last of the tomatoes.  The dish is covered with roses and has gold trim ib uts edges, I really never thought about it before but why is there a hole in the one end of it. 

My wife inherited many milk glass pieces from her late mom's collection.  One afternoon her dad had Della and her brother take turns picking pieces out of the overflowing box of milk glass pieces. She ended up with nine or ten things.

My begonia still doesn't look that great.  It has taken all summer for it to bloom many clusters of flowers. 

While sharing antiques this is an old library table.  I was given it from a teacher friend from Coin, Iowa.  I was a stupid kid then and I cut the legs off of it to make a coffee table.  We used it for a long time as such but then I took it to the basement and changed the design.  I added the bottom pieces with a arts and crafts design and I painted it because I wanted a change. Yes, it is oak.  Now it is a downstairs living room table which I pull out when the grand kids come and they play on it.  It was a Lego city base for my one grandson the last time they were here. 

I was substitute teaching back in 2016. The whole high school walked many blocks down to the football field and we had our picture taken.  I am in the picture at the crosspiece of the G. I did actually try to stand partially behind a couple of kids so that I really probably couldn't be seen. I found this on an old school blog and had to grab it and share it. 

I have been busy today fixing a toilet.  I had to replace the major works on it by taking the top tank off of it and replacing device.  It is a pain but I did get it done. The toilet is 20 years old so I knew I just need to replace rather than trying to replace seals and stuff.  I hate doing this kind of work but I can do it. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That is one thing I cannot do is any plumbing work! Yikes, I admire you!

    Love the antique plates and the milk glass. It looks like the one plate has holes in it as handles maybe?
    There is nothing quite as neat as the old designs. Modern plates are rather boring these days.

  2. So you are a plumber today! That I would call a pickle dish...very pretty!
