Sunday, September 10, 2023

Sunday's Stuff.....





Instead of having thousands of blooms in which to take shots, I find my lot is dwindling down. The zinnia flower on the right tells me I want to harvest seed off of the dried-out bloom on the left.  I do like the colors of this one. 

It is a hazy day again today with our air quality questionable. We are being told that it might rain but I will believe it when I see it.  I dug around in the ground yesterday and our clay filled soil is hard like cement.  I dug up a place to plant iris and the clods were so hard I could barely crumble them to soil.  We have not any plans for the day and will be resting.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I spent the afternoon gathering all sorts of seeds for next year.

    Hopefully we have a better year and it isn't so dry!
