Saturday, September 9, 2023

Sat Surprise.....


I was pleasantly surprised to find this in bloom this morning.  I knew that one of my iris that I bought was a reblooming one but didn't think it would ever do so in our climate.  The home company is in Oregon and we don't have any climate similarity.  I have had it for two years and it is doing well now where i planted it. 



I have been clearing water grass and dead stems from my cottage garden.  I am up to four wheel barrows full of plant matter to be sent to the compost company.  While pulling weeds I made the decision to rescue this hybrid white iris.  It bloomed so well for four years but now it has been crowded out by phlox. We are so dry that it took all of my weight onto the spade to get down into the ground to pry the rhyzomes out of the ground.  I moved them into a new location with new topsoil to give it a boost.  I dumped a lot of water on it and it is ready for spring.



My tomato patch had zinnias along one side, sunflowers in the middle and wild morning glories everywhere.  As I cleared out the tomato plants the majoring of morning glories are gone, as they were wrapped around the tomatoes and cages and they all had to come out.  I like how there are three kinds of flowers in the shot. 



We started off the morning at 50° F. and eventually will be up to 85° F. by afternoon.  The sky is mostly clear but there is not wind.  I liked working outside when it was so cool.  

With things getting cleared away there are still some flowers that can be enjoyed. I will start to clear away zinnias next as the dead look isn't a good look.  We are off to a visitation and funeral today. The last funeral we went to caused us to catch covid. I think we will be safe today.  Our friend, former minister, from our former church lost his father. We will get to see him and his wife plus three kids.  He was actually one of our tour guides to Israel in 2019. 

It is Saturday and so many things are going on in Iowa today.  The football games are highly watched because of the rivalry between the schools.  I usually check in on the game by the end of it just to see the finish. 

Thanks for stopping today.

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