Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Fish World and Garden News....

 Three blooms are open and the fourth one will be open tomorrow.  I know nothing about growing orchids but once they put out a stem I know enough to just leave it alone. 

Some people like to move their furniture around many times. I do that with my aquariums. I have this one moved away from the window and the fish have now been put back into it.  I had the fish held in a temporary smaller tank for a couple of days.  I also get to rearrange the plants and lantern in the fish's water world. 

The space that was cleared up is now my nursery center for smaller plants.  I had to bring in everything from outside because of a frost warning.  Two of these plants are newly potted hardy geraniums from their original larger pots.



The marigolds are spent. The visual shows the bad conditions of the plants.  I will be pulling them in the next two days.  It was a good run of blooms but now they look mostly dead.

I dead headed my seven different roses this morning.  To my surprise six out of seven of them are setting new buds again.  I didn't expect to see any buds but it is so great to see them.  I can keep posting roses for another month until it snows. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your orchid is pretty, I have several of them. I like when they rebloom after their first bloom.

  2. You take such good care of your fish, they are quite entertaining.
    I think the warmer days have given chance for one last flower flush, my roses are shooting new blooms also :)
    Beautiful weather this week.

  3. Your fish look like they have a great place to live.

    I think most of the flowers will be done outdoors after this frost this morning.

    But fall is here!
