Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Windy Wednesday...


As I pulled up the tall marigolds I decided to collect blooms. It was more work to cut them off the stems than to pull them out of the ground. They don't smell great so they have to be viewed from a distance. I decided to shoot them in my light box to get the best of the yellows and orange.

My work bench looked like this as I cut up the stems and placed them in the recycle bag. When I got to the tops  I cut off the best.  They don't have long stems and do have a lot of dead flowers on them. 

We did not have any frost last night.  It was still good to bring in all the plants so I don't have to do it later. The roses look better as I dead headed them yesterday as all one can see now is only blooms. 

The zinnias will be the next thing that I will need to clear from the garden. I usually wait for the hard freeze so all the flowers are dead.  I  am hoping we have some better weather for a while. We are suppose to get some rain in the next couple of days.  I think an inch of rain is what is expected which we will take anything.  We have been overcast all day.  I need to mow some parts of the yard and maybe yesterday that will happen pending on raindrops. 

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Using the marigolds in the light box is a brilliant idea. They look great.
    I know marigolds have a scent but I still like to put them in little vases as I like their cheery colors!

    My zinnias and other flowers got nailed with frost yesterday!

  2. Your little pottery vases look great with marigolds!
