Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sunday's Stuff.....with Words.

 I took it a night early so it isn't the full moon.  I did check last night for a true full moon and there was a complete cloud cover. I debate on how to crop the moon and sometimes I think it looks better off centered to enhance the black universe behind it.  It actually gives it a little bit of design motion as you look at it off-centered.

The zinnias that I brought in a few weeks ago are now also aging and fading. They aren't a perfect cut flower but they do seem to keep their color and life a lot longer by me bringing them inside. 



The challenge is to get this to bloom.  I planted it mid summer and it never grew. The dry clay soil and my watering didn't make it bloom. Now that it is potted and in the sunroom I see lots of growth.

The petite rose bud is now a rose.  It looked better in the pewter bud vase as a bud but this works too. 

We are having a quiet day inside as it is below freezing today.  We will warm up to 37° F. some time this afternoon.  I may grill burgers out there or I may just pull out the electric counter grill and cook burgers inside.  I like doing both.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Flowers fading fast, you have had a freeze before ours, which is due Halloween night.
    Burgers sound good , enjoy your Sunday Larry

  2. My flowers were kaput over a week ago, but I love it that you still had some survivors.
    That rose is so gorgeous.

    I agree on the moon crop!
