Monday, October 30, 2023



It is the season to bring out your plastic dinosaur and  scare the kids of the world. I use to admire the dino when I would see it on the top of the shelves in Wally Mart.  I now live across the street of a neighbor who bought one. 

The sun is shining on us today.  It helps to show off the locust tree with its yellow leaves. We were down to 24° F. last night and we warmed up to 40° F for our high. The freeze last night will be showing up on a lot of the delicate plants. I need to start mowing leaves again when it warms up a bit and more leaves have fallen.

I keep feeding the birds so they can keep warm. The one bird is watching for more warmth while the other is huddling.  He is a little bit blurred so I am blaming that it might be shivering. 

The hosta and rhubarb plants will be laying flat on the ground in the next couple of days. When I see this I know winter is coming. 

We have four vases of roses that I brought in a couple of days ago.  The blooms are really enjoying the heat we are providing for them.  I have hardy geraniums inside now too and they also are glad to be inside. I was out to do a few tasks this morning and I had to bundle up and cover my head. The garbage is a must but the other things of bringing in the hoses can be quick jobs to do.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

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