Thursday, October 19, 2023

Thursday's Things....

 The neighbor's each have a tree for us to enjoy. The maple next door turns overnight and then the leaves just fall to the ground. The neighbor with the smaller red tree is a great one to see.  I noticed in the photo the the old silver maple is turning colors too.  It won't ever be red but turns a great yellow fall color.

While outside I realized that we had a sprinkle of rain.  The roses that were deadheaded  have moved on opening their next set of blooms. It was cold out there while taking shots. I had to put on my parka to work on trimming back some of my iris leaves. 

The yellow rose is putting out a half dozen more blooms.  It seems they don't mind the cold as long as the day warms up in the afternoon.

Two sprigs of the purple salvia are up for the finish of the season.  It isn't very showy but it is nice to see them one last time. 

I am painting our front door on the outside.  We have always liked seeing doors with color.  We watch a lot of mystery shows from Europe where the doors are painted a bright clear color.  I won't show you any view until I get the last coat of paint on it and the mess is cleaned up. The door was a very nice white but the new color is good too.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Our last house had a red door! This one has a dark green one to match the steel roof:) Your flowers are working at giving you overtime blooms!
