Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Middle of the Week.....

 It has been a dull, cloudy day all day. The sun shines just a little. The red color is showing on the maple tree. 

My wife recites a poem to me about bread and hyacinths.  If one has two loaves of bread, they should sell one and buy hyacinths for the soul. I pulled at these green stems in my rock garden area and up came the bulbs of grape hyacinths.  I pulled three batches and planted them among my tulips.  I also planted some along my new stairs.  I can wait until spring to enjoy my labors. 

My one cone flower plant is trying to bloom.  It actually has two or three buds on it.  I hope it can open up in color before any hard frost. 

At the bottom of the stairs my new hosta plant is doing well.  I didn't plant the post there but it looks good there anyway. The stairs and stones represent two big projects that I accomplished this summer. Clearing the gardens will be my last big project.  I bought two bags of mulch this morning and I can finish up things in the next few weeks.  I usually just stop when it starts to snow. 

The fading garden will need to be all cut down.  I just saw a video this day of how I should be trimming down the iris to about three inches. I have never done that before but I can see it will make things look neater.  I have damaged a part of my hand by whatever work procedure and it causes my index finger to be in pain.   The joints sometimes click and/or won't have any free movement.  When this happens I have in the past tape the index and middle finger together.  The middle finger supports it all and does help me to move the index finger's movement.  Thus typing becomes a joke.  It is a little bit better today but I still have pain.  It does work itself out.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those hyacinths will look wonderful in the spring.

    The joints in my little fingers like to lock up once in a while and it sure does hurt a bit.
    Hope you finger works itself out.

  2. My thumb used to lock in place...hope your fingers get their kinks worked out!
