Tuesday, October 17, 2023



The locust tree in our front yard is such a wonderful specimen tree,  I did not plant it there but I  am glad it is there.

My new shoes got the workout this morning. I have now tested them and they are waterproof, We had frost on the rooftops today and everything was wet, 

The beginning if the color change in the dogwood bush,  One branch at a time so it will be slow. 

The rose survives and there are more buds to bloom,  I can see that I can now clear zinnias and more marigolds. Lots of work yet to be done, I am typing with two fingers taped together on my right hand so ut us hunt and pecking today, Slow amd losts of ,istakes.  Thanks for stopping by,,,,,,,,


  1. You must have hurt your fingers...what ever did you do? The pink rose is a beauty!

  2. Ouch on the fingers!

    We are surrounded here by locust trees and I love them. We used to have 100's around us but lost a lot in the 2007 wicked storms.

    You flowers look wonderful.
    We had another killer frost last night and then a very warm day!
