Thursday, November 2, 2023



Two shots taken in a difference of half hour time. The color goes away so quickly and it was just 31°F turning into a clear warmer day.

My burning bush is showing the promised future colors. It seams to be slow in changing color compared to other bushes that I have seen around time.

The mums suffered from the drought but the cold weather is making them bloom better.  

I exchanged iris rhizomes with a neighbor today.  It is free for both of us with totally different colors for each of our collections.  The neighbor is moving away so she can plant more for her new garden at her new house. I will plant my new iris tomorrow while we are having milder weather.  I mowed and mulched the leaves in the backyard this morning.  I will have to mow up more of them in the future but it is good to stay ahead of them.  I will have aches and pains tomorrow for cranking on my mower to get it started and the mowing.  Such is life.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Good for you still doing all the wonderful gardening you do in your yard.

    My yard should be mowed again but since no one is out here to see it, I may leave it as is.

    New iris plants sound interesting and the mums look great.
