Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Middle of the Week.....

 It was 21° F. this morning and the birds are not taking any sips. This afternoon they can find it has melted at 45° F.  

Walking out on the deck with bare feet is a real sacrifice for my blog photo. I didn't stay out there very long. 

The hardy geranium is glad to be inside today. It hasn't bloomed well all season but the ones I get from it inside are really appreciated.

The dogwood shrub has turned red already and can be seen because the leaves have all fallen to the ground. 

The past two days we have had strong winds.  We get leaves from our neighbors collecting in certain spots around the house.  I am sure my small leaves are going down the hill also.  

The sun is shining this afternoon and it makes it seem warmer. I did need my winter coat to go to get the mail.  That's close to winter weather without the snow. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. The dogwood stems are beautiful when they turn red.

    Looks like we are in for a warm up this weekend at least!

  2. Nice photo of the clouds and your view of the sky:)
