Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Middle of the Week.....

 The sunrise is happening as the sun peaks through the trees. The sky has a different pattern with lots of textures and patterns. 

The birds seem to be hungrier than ever as we start to cool down.  I bought a new bag of seed recently and my neighbor who is moving away gave me a larger thistle seed feeder.  I bought more seed for that feeder and will wait until it gets a little colder to hang it. 

When I sometimes blog downstairs I sit in a wing back chair and it sits close to this cage.  I don't always notice but when I turn they both have moved close to me to watch what I am doing. Thye sometimes talk to me and one of them has a new sound that it makes while I am there. The other one keeps up with its call that it has had for years.  Everyday they talk whether we are there are not.  We can hear them throughout the upstairs. 

My Thanksgiving cactus has started blooming.  I was surprised to see it but this it the time it blooms.  While we were in Isrrael four years ago in November we returned to see it in bloom.  I has to do with the light that it receives at certain times of the year. The orchid has yet to open its last two buds. It really has slowed down.


I bought this new one last year because it was a different color. It too is now blooming again to my surprise.  I barely water the plants throughout the year. 

I worked outside this morning.  I needed layers to stay warm.  I am working at thinning out the dogwood shrubs that have become too overgrown. If they don't shape up I am considering removing them. I didn't plant them there and they were established in as big shrubs then.  I think that burning bushes would be a better choice. That will happen in spring if I get it figured out.  Our weather is on a cool down probably for good now


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