Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday's Things....


The silver maple has lost most all of its leaves. I had six of these at my old place and in the thirty plus years we lived there they are now all gone. The last one was taken down by the derecho and then the city too the rest of it down.  I do get to enjoy this one and I don't have to rake its leaves.  Can you see the larger bird sitting in the tree?

Our fall color is now mostly brown. Some burning bushes are turning a bright red but all the rest have just faded away to brown. You can seee the maple in the distance. All of the broken branches have now all fallen. It had broken branches for a couple of years that just didn't go away.

The cottonwood still has some leaves. It is a large tree and I have to zoom in on it to show how big that it is. This is actually three rows of house down into another development.  I guess those who built there thought there was value to keep it standing. 

Our yesterday's sunrise looked like this.  It was great compared to today as we were fully clouded over with not a sign of the sun being anywhere.  The regular time meant we got up in the dark anyway. By noon the clouds did clear and we do now have sun. Our temps will be a little cooler today but it is still nice out there. Fall weather is usually cool. I didn't do much physical labor today as I needed a day of healing.  Maybe tomorrow I can do some more serous work.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You are heading toward the brown time of year...we are in it but the grass is still green!

  2. It is brown and russet season. I'm still determined to find something pretty for a while!

    We will get rain and cooler temps on Wednesday and it stayed cloudy all day yesterday.
