Saturday, November 4, 2023

Sat Stuff...


I looked up thinking I was seeing a cloud and was surprised to see the day moon. By evening it will have changed position to the far east and so low that I won't be able to see it. 



The neighbor is moving and digging some iris to take with her to the new place. She didn't have to ask twice if I wanted any samples.  All four of the varieties that she had are different than what I have.  I could see them through the fence in bloom and now I have some of them.  Pink, light blue, and yellow will be new to me.  I gave her three samples of mine that she can have at her new house and garden.  She will have seven to get planted soon.

One other color she gave me was a two colored one with brown and maroon colors that are an old fashion one. I didn't buy new iris this past season and I won't do it again this year.  Sharing rhizomes is almost like sharing presents. 



One has to be determined to want flowers as planting iris seems futile when you put the rhizomes in the ground. I have gardened a long time and just like tulips, you plant and just wait for along time for the results.  I may not see these iris bloom this coming late spring but I will the next year for sure. Working outside was good.  I had a parka on with the hood but it wasn't too cold. We warmed up to almost 60°F. 

I usually watch "This Old House" on Saturdays so a sugar free cookie and coffee are in order.  I actually tape the show and watch it whenever on the day. The chocolate is a spread that I shouldn't be eating but I have less than an eight of a teaspoon on there.  Second coffee for the day in the afternoon and I usually have one more after supper.  I sleep just fine.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That plate that the cookie is on is so pretty!

    Slow days are good days too. I love sharing bulbs and plants. I think I'd like to get some other colors for Iris plants, right now I only have one color and I should transplant a large pile of them on the west side of the house to somewhere else.

  2. Yes I enjoyed seeing the day moon on Friday on our way back from town. Back here in the woods I don't see much sky...straight up mostly!
