Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Sun Times.....

 Early morning cloud seem to block the sun even though there is a lot of light out there. The clouds did scatter as the sun heated up the atmosphere. 

I was surprised to see this cactus blooming.  It was on the other side of the plant stand and I saw the glancing view of the color. I moved the plant to the other side and now we can enjoy it. Those in the know say that the leaf shape of the plant makes it to be a Thanksgiving cactus. 


On the same plant stand I was watching this one bloom.  It isn't as robust as the other one. The conditions for them both are exactly the same so they bloomed at the same time.  I don't water them so much but the light conditions seem to cause them also to bloom. 

I am sharing a poor photo of what was flying over me yesterday while I was working in the back yard.  The flight patterns of the Des Moines Airprot vary and right now we seem to be having all the traffic flying over us.  Jets seem to be coming and going regularly. The geese are a quit form of air craft and yet they honk while they fly so I do look up and see them. They seem to be moving from harvested farm fields to different water locations.  The eat from the bean fields and corn fields too. The Lake Saylorville is about four miles from us on the west and the business ponds and University pond are places they fly to continually.  We actually are seeing sea gulls flying over while at the grocery store parking lot right now. 

It is a good day to rest.  The work I do through the week eventually catches up on me and I have to just stop.  Yards got mowed, iris got planted, 13 recycle bags got deposited in bins and weeds were pulled. Now I will just sit and blog too.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Lovely Thanksgiving cactus, and blooming heartily !
    I am always excited to see and hear the honking of the geese flying south, in their "v" pattern.
    Warming up this week....enjoy !

  2. You had a busy week. I hear next week it could be warmer again. We will see. Time to rest for a couple of days!
