Saturday, November 18, 2023


 My grandmother Brooks lived in a rundown farm house. It was heated with fuel oil and the running water was from a well outside the house. Our families would meet at her house for holidays.  She always made jellow in this glass bowl. I am still using the same bowl sixty years later.  My jello is sugar free and I add sugar free fruit to the jell.  With special family meetings she would slice up a banana or two and proudly place it on the dessert table. I do think of here every single time I make jello which is about every five days. My snack is jello. 

I am having translating problems with getting my photos to be in the right place for blogger to take them. I will be working on the problem. Thanks for stopping by today.   

AAAAAAAAAA cccccccchhhhhhh!!!!!! 

 I bought a new bird feeder that is stronger than the old one. I didn't look at the price and just bought it along with some expensive seed.  I had to drag this photo onto this blog as I still having problems with my iphoto and google photos not sharing.  I will work on that another day.  Tomorrow.....

1 comment:

  1. Nice new feeder. I may have to look into a better one also. The old one is falling apart.

    I have a google cellphone so my photos upload nicely from my google photos when I use them.
    I don't know how to solve your issue.

    Good luck!
    Oh Grandma made jello with .... ewww, shredded carrots in it! Oh yuck!
