Friday, November 17, 2023

Late Friday Night.....


Friday night's moon is a sliver of a form. It was a cold one to be out there and I had trouble getting a focus as it was lined up the the street light below. 



I have been getting the downstairs bedroom cleaned for company.  The deer are stored there all year so they got to come outside early. It might be fun to light them up over Thanksgiving if I find the time o do so.

A brass angel needs to be polished.  There is another one out there and must have been lost in the move. I bought them at the Iowa State Fair back in 1971 when the theme for the fair that year was "discover Mexico".  Little did we know back then that Mexico and other countries  today would illegally cross our border at the tune of eleven million in a two and a half years period of time all to the blessing of you know who.

I am blogging late again today but it is what it is. Thanks for checking in anyway, whenever you do check in.....


  1. Your Angle will look beautiful and shiny once she is all cleaned up!

    I bet the deer are happy to be out of the bedroom. They would be fun to light up too.

  2. Might be a great time to put your deer out! Coolish here too, frosty this morning:)

  3. I enjoy seeing your Christmas decorations, my Christmas deer reside in my attic space until they are given a reprieve in the month of December.
    Cute little angel candle holder, I wish they still sell the "old" Brasso, it cleans so much better than the new.
