Saturday, November 25, 2023

Saturday's Stuff.....

 Our second grandchild has Lego shoes. They have all the colors of all of the legos.

The bottoms of the shoes have the designs of legos. I like the one lone green in the center of the shoe. I didn't know that they even made them but I wasn't surprised to see my one grandson had them.

As you can see that when the family visited the one guy built cities and vehicles for land and space. 

Our granddaughter also wanted me to take a photo of her shoes. They actually light up along the soles as she walks on them. She is four and a half and likes to dance around. 


The bottoms of her shoes are not so fancy but I had to take a shot of them just like I did of her brothers. 

We have snow coming down today.  It isn't going to be a large amount but it will be our first. The snow on the deck and roofs of houses will be a new thing to view. Neighbor kids are outside playing ball as they probably are tired of being inside with lots of relatives.  

We are not hurrying to get decorations up for a few days.  We had three days fo company and are now adjusting to the quiet life again.  We had such a great time and Thanksgiving dinner was good. We will be eating turkey for a while longer and also apple pie.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Those are some cool shoes! Fun to see little feet! Snow...lucky you!

  2. We had snow overnight, not much, but enough that I can see that it stuck to the ground [it is still dark here].

    I love those Lego Shoes! How cool is that?

    You've had a busy few days, time to rest up and relax before doing anything else.

    Enjoy the snow, it is pretty to look at.
