Friday, November 24, 2023

21°F. Morning.....

 It was so cold to be out on the deck to get this shot. The sun will come up over the neighbor's roof for the rest of winter. 

The city builder is Teddy and he works on it each day.  He used to have me sit there and work with him but now that he is seven years old he just works all on his own. He knows what he wants to create. The city stays up for a few months and then I will put it away. If I find a project to do and will need the table then I will box it al up for another year. 



We gifted our granddaughter a lego set based on the movie "Fozen" and she tackled the assembly in good fashion.  All three of them are into Legos but our old toys did seem to entertain them as they had not seen them for a year.  All of the family left this morning after lots of food, conversation, and playing with many things.  They will return to there Arlington Heights, Illinois home where they will start putting up their Christmas trees.  We will take a pause before we start on any trees.  It is time for us to rest for a while. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Nice lego projects!! Yes rest after all that activity!

  2. My sister lived in Arlington Heights for a while so I know that area, but that was many years ago.

    I love that the kids are playing and building with the Legos. I love all the vehicles that are in the city scene!

    I started messing with my Christmas Legos and brought some things up to start decorating.

    Get some rest as the next step will be fun and tiring at the same time!
