Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Tuesday's Things....

 The front trees are turning a subtle orange to yellow. The trees are non fruit bearing decorative pear trees. 

 The red is under toned but it is doing good for a two year old burning bush.


I have to cut up all of my shrub waste into small lengths and bag them.  I have one more bag full to do and then I head to the recycle location.


 The gleaners are of course plastic replicas but if they were real they would be picking up old small dried up tomatoes and sunflower seeds. 

We have had a warmer day.  We almost hit 70° F. today. It made it nice to work outside this morning and helped in getting caught up with my fall work.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Still lots of Fall color in your garden Larry. Yes, we hit 72 degrees today, the most pleasant of days.
    Love your geese !

  2. Looks great! Your geese still fool me every time I see them!
