Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Middle of the Week....

Mowed my back yard today. I had leaves to mulch and the grass did need to be shorten. We seem to be green even though we are ten inches behind in rainfall. 


 I finally got done with the brush cutting job.  I had piles of sticks from my brush trimming and it all had to be cut into manageable lengths to go into these sacks.  I ended up with seven of these bags.  The next goal is get them recycled. 

The flowers are from the store as we have nothing left alive to bloom. This batch had one flower that I was not familiar with looking like smaller sunflowers. 

My wife had purchased a new computer a few months ago. She thought I should do the same as I had worn off the letters on my keyboard.  I got my new computer today and it has been time consuming to get everything transferred.  I am really happy with the larger keyboard and fifteen inch screen.  The new computer told me that I needed to emplty some of my hard drive which means I will be trashing things.  I have lots of duplicates and I will just work on it once in a while. The weather was warmer today again but the cold front is predicted for tomorrow. I will mow my front yard with lots of warm clothes.  We did have snow last year on this date but not this year.  

Thanks for stopping by today.

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