Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Wednesday Morn.....


The sun now rises but behind the neighbors house. Eventually it can be see up above the roof line. The clouds seem to be dancing in the sky.


 Our granddaughter loves her new lego toy. The girl is putting together a set from the movie Frozen. She has two older brothers that work with legos often so she just digs in and puts her own work together by herself. 

Grandson number two really loves dinosaurs. He has put his jeep together and is working on the trailer that is used to carry around the dinos. Older brother already had the legos that we bought him so he isn't building. We will have to exchange it for something else.

The house is full now with two more adults and the three kids. Waffles for all this morning with eggs and bacon.  We had a good spread and most everyone enjoyed them.  It is cold today but we have a clear day with sunshine. It makes it look warmer than it appears.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Your Grands are growing up!

  2. Legos for all!
    Great activities for kids while they are visiting!

    Sounds like you have a houseful.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
