Thursday, November 23, 2023


 The next season starts. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving Day. We will wait a few days before we start putting up our trees.

It is gingerbread house time with some of the crew working hard to get things glued together with sticky frosting. 

We are having diner with our family from the Chicago area. Two adults and three kids make are house fuler and fun. The turkey is in the oven, the potatoes are pealed, relish tray ready, rolls are kready and the green bean cassorole is ready to be assembled.  We couldn't find our casserole dishes in our new home of seven years  but after much digging we did find two sets. We don't do dishes like that for just the two of us. 

It is great to have visiting family. Again, Happy Thanksgiving to you.


  1. Sounds like you are having a great time with your family! Love the projects you guys are doing together!

  2. What great looking houses! What fun for you to have company! Happy Thanksgiving!
