Friday, January 12, 2024

Blozzzzing and Blozzzing....

 The sparrows are glad to see some seed exposed from the snow.  I think we are on blizzard number three now. We are having continued strong winds.  In the old days it started snowing and when it kept snow it was counted as on long snowing session. Now they say we are ready for blizzard number three this afternoon. I can't figure that all out. 

I showed off yesterday the shoveling that I had done to get to the bird feeders.  As you can see the drift is bigger today than yesterday.  Our recycle company didn't pick up the bins because of the storm. Most of us figured it wasn't going to happen this week.  Today's weather is worse than yesterday and my wife saw the recycle people go by picking up on the scant few that people had forgotten to bring in from yesterday.  I brought mine in last night so the wind wouldn't catch it and spread all the cans and bottles down the street.  We will have to wait two weeks now.  I will fill  my bin to as full as I can get it then the rest will just be sent to the garbage. 


The snow keeps falling.  I  really don't know how they can even get an average measurement. We are blowing so badly that most of the roads are closed. Our main freeway south of us really isn't clear more than one lane if they follow a snowplow. 


Two trees are cleared of decorations and are ready for me to take to the storeroom. I bought a tube of plastic balls to go on my outdoor fake tree. They won't be wired to the tree until next season.  Being snowed in means more trees will come down. There are only two inside trees left to take down.  

My outside tree won't come now until the snow melts.  It is wired in the corner of the railings and today is getting blown in different direction straightening out from the last storm. 

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. You got lots of snow! Stay warm! Be careful outside.

  2. they pulled the plows off from the roads yesterday afternoon here because it was too of my neighbors has his truck stuck in a ditch on the ridge. It is unfortunate that I can't help him but I did give him some numbers of farmers who could help get him dug out.
    Stay warm and safe.
