Saturday, January 13, 2024

Extreme Cold, White Snow, Hey its Winter......

 It is an adventurous life for the birds with so much snow and it being very cold.  The seeds that fall from the feeder land on the surface of the snow drift.

I need to refill the two feeders. In order to do that I will have to wade through drifts two or more feet deep. I am sitting right now waiting for the inspiration to go out there when it is -1° F.  Warming up won't make it much easier to be out there but mentally it will help if the number goes up the scale some more. 

The snow has drifted up against the sunroom wall and door.  Yesterday I opened that door and the 40 mph wind blue in and hit me in the face, snow and all. 

They named hurricanes and thunderstorms now. I think I should name my drifts each time they develop.  Frozen Thunder Wonder would be a great name.  We did have a thunder snow in the area yesterday. My two older brothers haven't lived in Iowa for over fifty plus years.  They try to tease me sometimes but I think if they get close to near freezing temperatures they start to whine. My Arizona brother lost a lot of his garden a couple of days because it was too cold.

The old chest of drawers has lost all Christmas decorations. The task of displaying new things is the next thing to do.  The three kids of a family that I had as art students, twenty years ago, gave me this chest.  It was strapped together and totally in pieces. The glued parts of the main piece were not together. The drawers were scattered around in the dirt floored shed and I looked down at the carved pulls and couldn't believe they were giving it away.  They were doing a farm auction and it was not in good enough shape to sell.  

Little will they ever know how much pleasure I get from seeing it there everyday, making now a very old antique person happy to have it.  I never dreamed of every owning one with carved handles. I admired them even back when I was a teenager and learning how to refinish furniture. I like the touch of my tennis shoes in the photo along with the kids small ginger bread houses.

I am waiting to see if anyone is going outside to blow snow out of their drives. I may have to be the first to do so. It has warmed up to 1° F. and is snowing lightly. I will take a break and then go see what I can do.  I won't clear the whole drive, just the car's side. Lots of layers of clothes will be required and a face mask too.  If I survive it I will see you tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you took it slow and took lots of warm up breaks. That is a beauty of a dresser!
