Sunday, March 24, 2024

Late Sunday News....

 As the light hits the grackle's head it turns the feathers to different colors. I usually see them with green heads and this shot was more blue. It was overcast and raining so its light source was less today. 

We got some rain this morning and the doves came in to get out of the rain. They are so  peaceful and eventually took a nap together right there on the feeder. 

Also during their visit a sparrow joined in on their space. They all seemed to be getting along together.  I don't know if birds look out at rainfall but it was raining at the time that I took the shot. 


We still have snow in some spaces. It has looked liked snow most of the day but it really was rain. It did snow north of us way up into Minnesota. We will feel like winter for a few more dass... Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We had snow in the air so far that is all, it could change tonight!

  2. I know birds seek shelter in the rain under our porch sometimes so they are aware of the rainfall.

    Finally some rain for you and different types of moisture. We are glad we got rain - snow - sleet - and more moisture yesterday!

  3. You've got more birds than we've had all winter!
