Saturday, March 23, 2024



The spreading of the grape hyacinths is great.  I know that they could get to be a mess in the rock garden but I can always pull them if they get to be too crowded.


The grape hyacinths are spreading into my yard too. If they give me this color I will just mow them off later.  They don't seem bothered about being clipped. 


 I thought the brown head means it is a cow bird. The problem for me is that it is too bulky to be a cow bird. I guess it could be a grackle of a different color.


 Green heads and a large bird means it is a grackle.  I had a flock of them traveling through yesterday. The were very hungry and pushy.


The house finches are still singing their call in the trees while the snow is on the ground and the temps are ate at 20° F.


The markings of a starling are distinct,  I had a red-winged black bird yesterday but my memory chip of my camera was on the blitz at the time. I had to go buy a new chip.



Just north of us a few miles they had four inches of snow. We were at the very bottom of the front getting a fourth of an inch.  We are going to be cold all day. It is winter on this spring day. Thanks for stoping by today.


  1. You got some snow! I hope Della is feeling better!

  2. Hope things are going better for you both. We got snow overnight but not a lot of it.

    I love your hyacinths, they are beautiful.

    We saw our first house finches yesterday, we saw both the male and the female!
