Monday, March 4, 2024

Moody Monday with a Dash of Moisture.....


 Rain is such a rarity around here that I take photos of the wet deck. I don't think we got much but we did get something.

The shot through the screen wire shows the neighbor's downspout putting out some water.  If it rains north of us we will get the benefit of some water in the rivers. We at least won't have grass fires all over the state like we did yesterday. 

I changed out the display of colored glass vases yesterday for something different. Antique clear glass is the new thing for now.  I have been watching videos of people getting finds at garage sales and thrift shops.It inspired me to pull out some samples of what I have in storage. Family pieces as well as theings I have picked up at sales or auctions. 

It is cooler again with us having normal temperautures for early March. We had a very windy start with peoples garbage bins flying down the street or is some places down their hills behind their houses. One never know what you will find in you yard with two days of strong winds. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I just gifted some pink depression glass plates to my daughter in law. She collects them and I know some day she would appreciate them too!
