Tuesday, March 5, 2024


 The daffodils and tulips are shooting up now. It will be great to see some of the newly planted bulbs planted last fall. 

The iris are perking up also. These are ones that have been newly planted here so I will be curious to see if they will bloom this summer.

My smallest variety of daffodils are blooming now as well as my crocus.  I was surprised to see them but the timing is probably right.

The temperatures are cooler and the birds were busy at the feeders.  I refilled them this morning and they came.

I had to relive my framing skills to put together a frame job. My wife had a painting that was done by her late close friend and I wanted to get it framed. We ran a frame shop for 26 years in our home and it was nice to move away from the business. I did pull off the framing with my wife helping me with the assembling at the last. Maybe I will share a shot of it on the wall another day.  I am having trouble keeping up with the shooting of things for blogs these days. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Looks like Spring found you! We had snow in the air today.

  2. Wow this is beautiful!

    You are quite talented and I am happy you were able to frame that painting!

    Our daffy's are coming up! I have crocus flowers in the yard too.

  3. It all looks so promising....new growth new birth.
    A beautiful painting Larry, thank you for sharing !
