Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Springing Up....

 The crocus always surprise me but they are here at early spring. They have to struggle through the creeping phlox foliage but the do poke through. 

The mini daffodils are also blooming.  They are small splashes of color but they do seem wonderful this time of the year. 

By the time one thinks about planting them the season has already started. I guess one should just grab the bulbs in spring when one sees them and plant them for the next year. 

I took many images of my toy train engines yesterday. They were just haphazard shots with bad lighting. This morning I trashed all of them and dug out my light box.  I did it right and was pleased with the results. I was going to start blogging them today but the crocus came to the front of the line. The light box put me back on track as a better photographer. 

We are warmer today at low 60's but the breeze makes it feel colder.  We look like spring but the afternoon clouds have moved in making it look gray. We didn't get a rain that changed anything but maybe the rains north of us will empty into our rivers. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Light boxes sure are fun, I just pulled mine out too after thinking I had to change things up.

    I have only a very tiny clump of crocus flowers. Yours look amazing!

    I miss my mini iris flowers! Maybe I should get some more!
