Sunday, March 17, 2024

Sunday Times....

 There was only a slit at the horizon between the sunrise and the clouds. I have become familiar with all the trees and the houses are my man made mountains in the shot.

The evening before had a display of clouds all around. The temperatures cooling is creating our ever changing sky formations.

The spring weather of last week seemed early but it really wasn't compared to all the different springs we have had in the past. I remember having ice storms that coated my tulips and days later it all was thawed and gone.

The crocus are at their ending time as they are now pretty weathered. This shot take two shots ago captures their true glory.

The second coat of finished was applied yesterday.  It will take two days tor it to truly be dried and then I can start the attaching of the back piece to the chest. The varnish material requires so much of my patience and I can't work with anything that has a sticky finish. It has to be dry. Hurry up and dry really doesn't work, Hurry up and wait is the reality. 

We are having a quiet day. We watched church on live stream and had a light lunch. It is a cold day and I don't have any reason to venture outside.  It is a good day for resting and healing.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. How do you have Daffodils out already?

  2. Your work is beautiful.

    My daffodils are ready to spring out and give us some beautiful color.

    I think they are only days away from popping open.
